
Just One Miracle

It has been a difficult evening.  I have already cried a bucket of tears and I am sure there will still be more to come in the days ahead.  I believe by divine intervention we found out that my seventeen year old son has an issue with his heart.  What started out as a random doctor checkup a month ago, led to a diagnoses today of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.  Basically, he has a genetic defect in his heart that makes the muscle wall on the left side thicken, making it more difficult for the blood to flow through.  This is the disease that has caused young athletes to drop dead during a game where no issue was known.  Many times it goes undiagnosed. There is no medical cure, only treatment is available to manage the condition. The days ahead will be full of testing to see the level of stress his heart can handle.

My first reaction after the phone call was shock. Never did I expect to hear that my child had an issue with his heart that could not be fixed.  I sat in the restaurant where we were at the time and just stared, unable to vocalize.  As the shock began to clear and the fog left my brain, I felt broken.  My mothers heart was scared. My sweet child was hurt and I couldn’t fix it.

I am not completely okay yet.  I am still in the struggle of emotions.  But I know my God and He is mighty.  He is faithful and He is good. He is powerful and He is in control of everything.  Even this.  So I seek Him and I Hide in Him.  He will be my refuge in the coming days. He will be my strength and my comfort.

And I also know this.  This world may not have a cure for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, but my God does.  He is a healer from way back.  And so I am standing on the promises of His words that show his power to heal over and over.

Over and over the people brought their sick to Jesus…. and He healed them.  The crowds surrounded Him, He touched them and healed them by the thousands.

I need just one miracle Jesus.  One healing.  Of a wonderful God loving heart.  My sons heart.  In Jesus name let his heart be healed.  I claim it.  I stand on it.  Let it be so.



One Comment

  • Jenn Krause

    Dear Friend,

    I know oh to well how a diagnosis can bring on feelings of such devastation. There are so many ‘what if’s’ that may lie ahead in your journeys, but remember this “He heals the broken-hearted!” Psalms 147:3

    Cherish today, because tomorrow is never promised. Delight in the joyful moments that lie ahead and try not to focus on in the ‘What if’s’. He brought you to it and he will bring you through it.

