
When Your Strength is Lacking, Just Be Faithful

Ever have those times when you are in the valley of life and everything seems to be turning upside down? Where you feel like everything seems to be going wrong at the same time?  It’s enough that you have to fight one hard battle. But when there are several at the same time, what then?  What do you do when everywhere you turn in your world there are hard circumstances?  How do you keep your spirits up?  How do you keep your faith?

I know this experience.  I’ve lived this experience.  Its hard.  Its hard when you are struggling through things that are out of your control.  There are so many things that can upset the balance of life.  And when the flaming arrows of difficulty come by the dozen instead of one at a time, it can feel completely devastating.  I begin to doubt.  I begin to wonder why my faith seems so small.  I beat myself up because I feel weak and defeated by life.

So what is the answer?  What is the answer when your faith seems small and your strength is depleted?  What is the answer when life seems overwhelming?  What do you do when you feel there is nothing left inside you?

I Corinthians 4:1-2 says “Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.  Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”

Child of God, just remain faithful. You are a servant of Christ and a steward of the mysteries of God.  They are called the mysteries of God because they are a mystery to us.  But they are not a mystery to Him. Your circumstances are not beyond his knowledge, occurring in a vacuum that He has no control over.  Steward your message of salvation well and just stay faithful.  He will change what needs to change.  He is able.  He is strong when you are weak.  Just be faithful.

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