
Searching for Salvation

While doing my devotion this morning I came across a statement that penetrated through my soul.  The writer said, “People searched for salvation everywhere except where they could find it.”

The story was in Luke 19:28-44. Jesus descended the mountain, seeing Jerusalem on the horizon and he wept.  Not quiet tears did he shed but he klaio.  Klaio, the greek word meaning to wail loudly.  Jesus wept the full journey down the Mount of Olives, across the Kidron Valley and into the city through the Sheep Gate. The wind likely carried the scent of burning flesh from the sacrifices offered high above on the Temple altar. He was headed into Jerusalem for Passover and he knew it was to be his very last time. He was burdened. He was weeping loud enough for the disciples to see the excruciating pain he carried.

His tears were not about the destiny he knew awaited his arrival. He wasn’t weeping for himself or the death he knew was inescapable.  He was weeping for the people who were searching desperately for salvation and yet would not see where they could find it.

I read this statement today “People searched for salvation everywhere except for where they could find it.” and I heard my own spirit say, “You do that too.” I began to silently weep.  Not because I’m searching for the saving of my soul for eternal salvation.  I accepted the grace of Jesus blood covering my sin many years ago. But I’m searching for the saving from my every day hurts and problems in every place except where I can find my relief.

I am very good at ignoring my feelings. I am very good at ignoring where I hurt, living over it, pushing it aside and living around it.  Through the years I have gotten expert at avoidance. Letting things go. Staying in the shallow. But while staying in the shallow, I find myself indulging in soothing behaviors.  A new pair of shoes or some chocolate can make me feel better. The problem is, soothing behaviors don’t last and have to be repeated when the feelings crop up again and again. They are a short fix for a lasting feeling.

God was saying that like the people he once wept over, we too search for saving from our hurts, feelings and troubles everywhere except where we can find it. Short fix is just that, it’s short.  Jesus is into permanent fixes. When he fixes it, its finished. Yet we don’t go to him for the saving we need. He’s the last resort instead of the first stop we make for healing.

I think that is why it made him weep with such brokenness.  He knew the answer to what they needed and yet they refused it.  It also breaks his heart to see us now looking everywhere else for saving and seeking him last. His love for us compels him to want to save us even when we don’t think we need saving.

Permanent saving of all we encounter comes through our relationship with Jesus.  He is enough.  Enough to heal our hurts and troubles.  Enough for whatever we need saving from.  I have concluded that I need him for everything.  Everything else I look to pales in comparison.  He is enough for what ever you need too.  Seek him first.


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