• Uncategorized

    Life of a Contrarian

    Recently I went through a time of discouragement that has led me to prayer and sole searching.  After publishing my first book, I received some criticism that was hard to hear.  I know as a writer that I should get used to hearing my work be critiqued.   I know that is part of being an author.  When you put your work out publicly, not everyone is going to receive it the same.  Not everyone thinks the same and not everyone will see it from your eyes.  Everyone has their own opinion about what you put on paper and I suppose they have every right to voice those opinion. Taking my…

  • Promises of God

    Looking for Some Fresh Joy

    I love to read the Psalms.  The majority of the Psalms were written by King David, a man considered by God to be a man after Gods own heart.  They were written by someone that God considered to have a heart like His.  I assume that God meant that David had an honest heart that truly loved the things of God.  He was authentic in his walk with God but he was also flawed.  He made mistakes.  I love the Psalms he wrote because they are honest before God.  David ranted at times. Expressed doubts at times. But in the end he always came back to faith and love for…

  • Identity in Christ,  Uncategorized

    He Meets You Where You Are

    Waiting by the pool in Bethesda there lay a man.  In John 5:1-15 it tells the story of a man who was sick for 38 years. Day after day he waited at the Pool of Bethesda for a miracle. Everyday he waited for someone to have a little bit of pity on him and place him in the pool. He just needed one dip after the angel stirred the water. He needed one person to put him in the water before anyone else had stepped in. But there were others in great need waiting for their own miracle.  Each in ready mode to reach the water first.  Who might get…

  • Identity in Christ


    Most of my life I have felt one overarching feeling.  That is the feeling of not being enough:  Not enough to be loved.  Not enough to be wanted. Not enough for people to want to know me.  Not enough for people to want to be my friend. Not enough for good things to happen to me. Not good enough.  Not good enough to get the job.  Not good enough for that man to take an interest in me.  Not important enough to be heard. Not enough to add value to any circumstance or situation.  Not enough to be successful.  Not enough to be good at anything.   Not enough to be worthy…

  • Attributes of God

    Nothing is bigger than God

    Lately I have come across information that is both troubling and enlightening to me.  Last week I read an article about women wearing makeup in prison and the reason why it is so important to them.  The article tells how through the ages women in prison have gone to great lengths to wear makeup. In 1908 women were making rouge from the red dye of strings they had pulled out of their prison uniforms and making powder from the limestone walls in their cells.  Although it was a very interesting read and I came away more enlightened, I also came away feeling troubled. The article was asking the question, why? …

  • Attributes of God

    The Perfection of God

    God is perfect in every way. By definition, perfect would mean to be complete in all respects and without defect or omission. To be perfect is to be sound and flawless. Such a description encapsulates God. He is flawless. Psalm 50:2 gives a wonderful picture. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God will shine forth. AW Tozer in his book The Attributes of God (Volume 1) says “In this verse we have three words in special relation to each other – “perfection,” “beauty” and “God.” And while it is Zion that is called the perfection of beauty, it is the perfection of beauty because God shined out of her.” She was the perfection…

  • Eternity

    I’ll be Blinging my way into Eternity

    Recently while doing research for a bible study I stumbled across a fabulous truth. It’s now midnight and I am tempted to wake up my husband. I just wanna shake him awake and say “Guess what! Bling is good!! You see I like shinny and glitzy things that bling. I just can’t help myself. I love all things glittery. Jewels are great, shinny shoes are fun and a glittery bag is a must with certain outfits. So when Christmas rolls around look out! Two things I love come together in a great way. I love Jesus and I love bling. On Christmas those two things collide and make an extravaganza…

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  • Most important possession

    What is your most valued possession?

    Lately I have been thinking about what we put our importance on. If I asked you to close your eyes and picture your most treasured material possession, what would you see in your minds eye? Would it be your wedding ring? Maybe it would be that new car now parked in your driveway? Or maybe it would be the family photographs you spent hours placing into albums? Or could it be those skinny jeans that hug you in all the right places? If the picture in your mind was anything other than the Bible, you might want to rethink your priorities. The Bible is the only material object you own…

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